Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Foundations Article #2

Ted Sheehan
EDU 6550
Article 2

            This article describes approaches being taken by Australian schools in the year 2000 with Middle School students. Because my interest lies in the Middle School I think it’s important to look not only at what is happening in American Schools but what is happening across the world. As we prepare students for their future it is important that we realize we truly live in a global community. No longer will students follow in the footsteps of their parents. Technology is changing the way the world works at an astonishing pace. This article insinuates that technology will play a tremendous role in education for both teachers and students. This certainly is not an earth shattering fact, but the numbers and time frames being  discussed in this article are interesting if for no other reason than they were printed 11 years ago.
            The main concern is students developing the proper problem solving skills and ability to work alone at this crucial juncture in time. There is a concern that a disconnect between technology needs and education plans that students could become lost at this particular stage of their lives. Adolescence is a tumultuous time for all middle school students and it’s imperative that students and teachers alike are prepared properly. Again, this article did not discuss the role students’ play, but rather the importance of teachers being adequately prepared in all fashions of middle school teaching. The article discussed outside influences such as drugs, television, internet etc… but it did not actually discuss influences with students themselves.
            I wasn’t a fan of the article, it read much like a textbook on middle school, yet it was only 8 pages long. Most of the concerns mentioned were valid and real concerns in most middle schools today. However, these concerns were reflected only by the authors. There were not many rebuttals to these concerns nor were they sought out. I believe the article reflected a district’s concerns during a troubled time. Interestingly, although problem solving skills were discussed initially, group work and its value were discussed later in the article. Relevance and engagement were terms mentioned and related to the education process.
            Towards the end of the article professional development for teachers is discussed. Teachers do need to be better educated moving into the 21st century. With a world changing dramatically every week, teachers need to stay on the cutting edge. I think in general some very real issues in middle school were exposed and briefly discussed as well as some potential remedies and solutions. However, the suggestions and remedies reflect the concerns of a district administration I think. There were lots of quotes and facts that supported the premise, but the real issues were not ever exposed. The generalizations of the middle school dilemma are brought to light incorporating the role of technology, but no remedy concerning the technology explosion is discussed. The importance of further education for educators is discussed however no real plan of action is discussed. This was an 8 page paper discussing hot button topics, and forward thinking education with no real game plan.
Kiloh, B. (2000). A Systems approach to dealing with Middle School Issues. Ethos P-6, 8(1), 1. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

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