Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Foundations Article #5

Ted Sheehan
February 25, 2011
EDU 6550
Article 5

            I spent an inordinate amount of time trying to find something relevant to my own studies and interests. Too many of the articles in Educational Studies are based out of the country. After searching “Race to the Top” I found this neat little article about the State of Delaware offering all high school juniors the opportunity to take the SAT free of charge. The costs associated with the test taking will be absorbed by funds Delaware gets from the federal government’s or President Obama’s race to the top program.
            Historically, SAT’s have been used primarily as college entrance requirement. ACT scores have more recently been involved with College entrance requirements’ as well. ACT and SAT’s are competitors in the high stakes education race. Apparently, SAT’s are the choice tester of the new administration in Washington or at least in this article it looks that way. It appears States also have the ability to offer contracts for these testing services.
            I’m not sure what is being valued here. The Fed Government appears to be supporting the SAT over ACT, yet States have the ability to offer these two testing behemoths’ access to students. Money is being tossed around so students are getting opportunities they may not have been afforded before, but is the process equitable? It appears Delaware has bought into the President’s agenda.
            If the government is going to support a test, it should make sure that the playing field is using the same test. I don’t know the specifics on the differences or similarities of the two tests, but again, the government is favoring one over another. The dollars being spent and tossed around have got to be astronomical, and who is really benefitting? It appears that students from states that are drinking the Kool Aid are benefitting the most.

GEWERTZ, CATHERINE. Education Week, 2/2/2011, Vol. 30 Issue 19, p4-4, 1/6p

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