Monday, May 2, 2011

Foundations Article #6

           This article was found in Educational Studies from 2006. The article was actually a study that examined the role of humor in the school and classroom environment. Specifically the study was focused on principals and their use of humor to make the classroom and school environment a less stressful place to be.
            From a historical perspective, Hurren found that not a lot of research had been done on humor or a sense of humor in the classroom or school. The premise being because humor isn’t serious, how can a serious study be conducted on humor. What Hurren found was that humor displayed by principals in most school house settings relaxed the overall environment and culture of the school. Whether humor was exhibited in the hall, or in a class or a faculty meeting, the presence of humor led to a reduction in stress. It has been thought that a teacher must have the ability to laugh at oneself. Administration has not had that same requirement. What this study found however was that schools that had a principal and administration that embraced humor, the culture of the schools was more relaxing, less stressful and more fun to be in. Lastly, executives who were polled about humor also expressed the importance of humor or a sense of humor in the business setting.
            I think the values being discovered or impressed upon us with this study is that things need to be taken with a grain of salt on occasion. Although education is serious business, by reducing the amount of stress daily, the environment becomes that much better to be in. Humor is a natural reaction in the body. By releasing endorphins, the body is able to reduce the amount of stress inside the body. Principals are able to make the school culture and environment that much more relaxing by utilizing humor to relieve anxiety and stress.
School culture needs to embrace and encourage humor. It has its place within the school walls, but also needs to be employed in particular situations where light humor can ease all aspects of the daily routine. Teaching is stressful business; Administrations need to do their part in reducing stress on a daily basis.
Hurren, B. (2006). The effects of principals’ humor on teachers’ job satisfaction. Educational Studies (03055698), 32(4), 373-385. doi:10.1080/03055690600850321

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